A woman works two jobs, making 35 dollars per hour on the first and 25 dollars per hour on the

second. One week she works twice as many hours on the first job than the second job and earns 1330
dollars. How many hours did she work on the second job

Well, it seems like this woman really wanted to mix things up with her jobs. She's a true multitasker! Now, let's do some calculations to figure out how many hours she worked on the second job.

Let's assume she worked x hours on the second job. Since she worked twice as many hours on the first job, she must have worked 2x hours on the first job.

Now, let's calculate her earnings from each job. On the first job, she made 35 dollars per hour, so her earnings from the first job would be 35 * 2x = 70x dollars.

On the second job, she made 25 dollars per hour, so her earnings from the second job would be 25 * x = 25x dollars.

Adding up her earnings from both jobs, we get:

70x + 25x = 1330

Combining like terms, we have:

95x = 1330

Now, dividing both sides by 95:

x = 1330 / 95 ≈ 14

So, she worked approximately 14 hours on the second job.

35*2x + 25*x = 1330


Let's assume the woman worked x hours on her second job.

Since she worked twice as many hours on her first job, she worked 2x hours on her first job.
On her first job, she made 35 * (2x) = 70x dollars.
On her second job, she made 25 * x = 25x dollars.
The total amount she earned is 1330 dollars, so:
70x + 25x = 1330
Combining like terms, we get:
95x = 1330
To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 95:
x = 1330 / 95
Simplifying the equation, we find:
x = 14
Therefore, she worked 14 hours on her second job.

To find out how many hours the woman worked on the second job, we need to follow these steps:

1. Let's assume the number of hours she worked on the second job is x.
2. Since she worked twice as many hours on the first job as the second job, the number of hours she worked on the first job would be 2x.
3. Now, we can calculate her earnings from each job. On the first job, she earns 35 dollars per hour, so her earnings from the first job would be 35 * (2x) = 70x dollars. On the second job, she earns 25 dollars per hour, so her earnings from the second job would be 25 * x = 25x dollars.
4. According to the question, her total earnings from both jobs were 1330 dollars. Therefore, we can create the equation: 70x + 25x = 1330.
5. Solving this equation will give us the value of x, which represents the number of hours she worked on the second job.

Let's solve the equation:

70x + 25x = 1330
95x = 1330
x = 1330 / 95
x ≈ 14

Therefore, the woman worked approximately 14 hours on the second job.