a student found that the weight of the naphthalene collected was less than the weight determined by difference. what would account for the smaller amount of naphthalene collected?

The smaller amount of naphthalene collected could be accounted for by a few possible factors. Here are a few explanations to consider:

1. Losses during the collection process: It is possible that some of the naphthalene was lost during the collection process. This could occur if the naphthalene was not carefully transferred or handled, leading to spills or evaporation.

2. Contamination: Another possibility is that the collected naphthalene may have been contaminated with impurities. If there were impurities present in the collection container, they could have mixed with the naphthalene and resulted in a lower overall weight.

3. Incomplete reaction: If the naphthalene was obtained through a chemical reaction, it is possible that the reaction was not fully completed. In this case, some of the starting materials may not have been converted into naphthalene, resulting in a smaller yield.

To determine the specific reason for the smaller amount of naphthalene collected, it would be helpful to consider additional details about the experimental setup, procedure, and any observations made during the process.

I have no idea what experiment or determination you performed.