Western democracies are referred to as representative democracies. They share a common ideology. However, when they transform theory into practice, differences occur. One important difference is a matter of emphasis. Should a system emphasize liberal or responsible principles? The United States, like most presidential systems, emphasizes liberal ideals. Their system has more checks on government power based on fear of excessive government control of society. Canada, like most parliamentary systems, emphasizes the principles of responsible government. The Canadian system is more effective in expressing the will of the people by allowing government (especially majority government) to govern with relatively fewer checks or hindrance from balancing power.

Are they asking which is better Canada or the US? Because Canada has a parliamentary government and US has a presidential so there is always the chance of a dicatorship occuring in the US?

Well we do not have dictatorship because the president can't do anything unless congress votes a yes. We don't have just one ruler. We have many.

Ashley, I disagree with the statement that a liberal government is not a responsible government.

Also -- there is no chance of a dictatorship occurring in the U.S. because our legislative branch makes the laws, the executive branch carries them out, and the judicial branch determines if questionable laws are constitutional. This called the separation of powers.

The United States, like most presidential systems, emphasizes liberal ideals. Their system has more checks on government power based on fear of excessive government control of society.

Doesnt government control mean the same kind of thing as a dictatorship? I know the US isnt going to become a dictatorship but i thought that the president ultimately makes most of the decisions.

Government control is not a dictatorship. A dictatorship has only one person at its head. Here in the States, we have an elected president, vice president, 50 senators, and 435 representatives in our national government. In addition, we have 9 appointed Supreme Court.

Our president, despite some current news and commentary, does not make most of the decisions. Please see my last statement about our separation (and balance) of powers.

Actually, Canada has more government controls than does the U.S., primarily government-provided health care. Our health care is controlled and financed by private individuals and companies.

The question in this context is not about which country, Canada or the United States, is better. It is about the emphasis Western democracies place on either liberal or responsible principles in their systems of governance.

The terms "liberal" and "responsible" in this context refer to different approaches to the exercise of power and the role of citizens in a democracy.

A system that emphasizes liberal principles, like that of the United States, puts a greater emphasis on individual freedom and limiting the power of government. The system is designed with checks and balances to prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful. This emphasis on limiting government power is rooted in concerns about excessive government control and the potential threat to individual liberties.

On the other hand, a system that emphasizes responsible principles, like that of Canada, focuses more on the notion of accountable government. In parliamentary systems, majority governments have the ability to enact their agenda more easily, as they are not hindered by excessive checks and balances. This enables the government to more directly represent and act upon the will of the people.

It is important to note that neither system is inherently better than the other. The choice between liberal and responsible principles depends on the specific values and priorities of a society. Both systems have their strengths and weaknesses, and their effectiveness in practice can vary depending on various factors, including the political culture, historical context, and societal preferences.

Regarding the concern you mentioned about the potential for dictatorship in a presidential system, while it is true that a presidential system places more power in the hands of the executive branch, it also includes checks and balances to prevent the abuse of power. Additionally, the presence of a strong judiciary, separation of powers, and a robust democratic culture are important safeguards against authoritarian rule.

Ultimately, the choice between a presidential or parliamentary system, and the emphasis on liberal or responsible principles, is a matter for each country's citizens and its political process to decide.