what is communism?

Umm it;s a system of govt. where everyone is the same. People all have the same cars, homes, etc. People automatically get chosen for a job; regardless of whether of not they want it. Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong are infamous communist rulers you should read about.

Under a communist system, the government owns all farms and factories.

Check these definitions.


Communism is a political and socioeconomic ideology that advocates for the establishment of a classless society where resources and means of production are owned and controlled by the community as a whole. In a communist society, there is no private ownership of property and the goal is to distribute wealth and resources equally among all members of society. Central planning and government control play a significant role in managing the economy and ensuring equitable distribution.

To further understand communism, you can explore various sources such as books, articles, and online resources. Here are some steps to help you gather more information:

1. Read books: Start by reading classic works on communism, such as "The Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, or "Das Kapital" by Karl Marx. These texts provide a foundational understanding of communist theory and its historical context.

2. Research historical examples: Study the history of countries that have attempted to implement communist systems, such as the former Soviet Union, China, Cuba, or North Korea. Analyze their successes, failures, and the impact on people's lives.

3. Consult academic sources: Look for scholarly articles, research papers, and analysis from experts in political science, economics, and sociology. These sources can provide a comprehensive understanding of communism from a more objective perspective.

4. Compare ideologies: Compare communism with other economic and political ideologies such as capitalism, socialism, and democracy. Understanding the similarities and differences between these systems can help you gain a broader perspective.

5. Engage in discussions: Participate in conversations, forums, or debates with people interested in politics and economics. Engaging in dialogues can help you hear different viewpoints and deepen your understanding of communism.

Remember, exploring multiple perspectives and forming your own opinions is crucial when studying complex ideologies like communism.