Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Islamic revival in the Middle East?

A. Islamic "fundamentalism" may be a practical attempt to try to counter hedonism and other destabilizing forces.
B. It has resulted solely from a clash between modern and traditional ideas and values.
C. It has been fed by the reactions of the ulama to the impact of Western secularization.
D. The ideology of Iranian Shi’ite has caused its popularity to spread to Algeria and Egypt.


I agree.

The statement that is NOT true of the Islamic revival in the Middle East is D. The ideology of Iranian Shi’ite has caused its popularity to spread to Algeria and Egypt.

To answer this question, we need to examine each statement and determine if it is true or not.

Statement A: Islamic "fundamentalism" may be a practical attempt to try to counter hedonism and other destabilizing forces.
Explanation: Islamic fundamentalism refers to a strict adherence to fundamental Islamic principles and practices. This statement suggests that Islamic fundamentalism could be a practical response to counter hedonism and destabilizing forces. This statement is true as it recognizes one of the motivating factors behind the Islamic revival.

Statement B: It has resulted solely from a clash between modern and traditional ideas and values.
Explanation: This statement suggests that the Islamic revival is solely the outcome of a clash between modern and traditional ideas and values. However, the Islamic revival has been influenced by various other factors, such as political and socio-economic issues. Therefore, this statement is NOT true.

Statement C: It has been fed by the reactions of the ulama to the impact of Western secularization.
Explanation: The ulama refers to Islamic religious scholars and authorities. This statement suggests that the Islamic revival has been fueled by the reactions of religious scholars to Western secularization. This is true, as the impact of Western secularization has been a significant factor in motivating the Islamic revival.

Statement D: The ideology of Iranian Shi’ite has caused its popularity to spread to Algeria and Egypt.
Explanation: This statement suggests that the popularity of the Islamic revival has spread to Algeria and Egypt due to the ideology of Iranian Shi'ite. While the Iranian revolution and its Shi'ite ideology have had influence in the broader Islamic world, it is not accurate to say that Iranian Shi'ite ideology alone has caused the popularity of the Islamic revival in Algeria and Egypt. Therefore, this statement is NOT true.

Therefore, the statement that is NOT true of the Islamic revival in the Middle East is D: The ideology of Iranian Shi’ite has caused its popularity to spread to Algeria and Egypt.