Write 5 sets which cannot be expressed in roster form

To write sets that cannot be expressed in roster form, we need to consider infinite sets or sets with complex patterns. Here are five examples:

1. The set of all prime numbers: This set contains infinitely many numbers, and it is impossible to list them all explicitly in roster form.

2. The set of all real numbers between 0 and 1: This set is also infinite, and it contains an uncountable number of elements. It cannot be enumerated explicitly in a roster form.

3. The set of all solutions to the equation x^2 + 1 = 0: This set does not have any real solutions since the square of a real number cannot be negative. However, it does have solutions in the form of imaginary numbers, such as ±i. It is impossible to list these imaginary numbers explicitly in a roster form.

4. The set of all possible combinations of letters: Let's consider an alphabet with 26 letters. The set of all possible combinations of letters is infinite since it includes words of any length, from single letters to infinitely long words. It is impractical, if not impossible, to list all these combinations explicitly in roster form.

5. The set of all rational numbers: Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as fractions of integers. This set is infinite and contains an uncountable number of elements. It is not feasible to list all rational numbers explicitly in a roster form.

In summary, sets that are infinite, have complex patterns, or contain an uncountable number of elements cannot be expressed accurately in roster form.