2. W/4 - 4 = 3


3.X/5 + 6 = 10



Please check my answers :)

2. correct

3.incorrect, C.20
4.incorrect, A.-15
5.incorrect, B.-1
Hoped I helped!

#2 ok

#3 10-6 = 4
#4 divide first by -2:
m-30 = 3m
#5 Collect everything on the left:
2x+2 = 0

#2 - ok

x = 20

-2(m-30) = -6m
-2m + 60 = -6m
4m = -60
m = -15

2x = -2
x = -1

To check your answers for the given equations, we can follow these steps:

1. Solve the equation for the variable.
2. Substitute the value of the variable into the equation.
3. Simplify both sides of the equation.

Let's check your answers one by one:

1. W/4 - 4 = 3

To solve for W, we can follow these steps:

1. Add 4 to both sides of the equation:
W/4 - 4 + 4 = 3 + 4
W/4 = 7
2. Multiply both sides of the equation by 4 to isolate W:
4 * (W/4) = 7 * 4
W = 28

Now substitute the value of W into the equation:

28/4 - 4 = 3
7 - 4 = 3
3 = 3

Since both sides are equal, the answer is correct.
Your answer: b) 28

2. X/5 + 6 = 10

To solve for X, we can follow these steps:

1. Subtract 6 from both sides of the equation:
X/5 + 6 - 6 = 10 - 6
X/5 = 4
2. Multiply both sides of the equation by 5 to isolate X:
5 * (X/5) = 4 * 5
X = 20

Now substitute the value of X into the equation:

20/5 + 6 = 10
4 + 6 = 10
10 = 10

Since both sides are equal, the answer is correct.
Your answer: b) 30

3. -2(m-30) = -6m

To solve for m, we can follow these steps:

1. Distribute -2 to the terms inside the parentheses:
-2 * m - (-2 * 30) = -6m
-2m + 60 = -6m
2. Add 6m to both sides of the equation:
-2m + 60 + 6m = -6m + 6m
4m + 60 = 0
3. Subtract 60 from both sides of the equation:
4m + 60 - 60 = 0 - 60
4m = -60
4. Divide both sides of the equation by 4 to isolate m:
(4m)/4 = (-60)/4
m = -15

Now substitute the value of m into the equation:

-2(-15-30) = -6(-15)
-2(-45) = 90
90 = 90

Since both sides are equal, the answer is correct.
Your answer: a) -15

4. 3.75x + 3.7 = 1.7 + 1.75x

To solve for x, we can follow these steps:

1. Subtract 1.75x from both sides of the equation:
3.75x - 1.75x + 3.7 = 1.7 + 1.75x - 1.75x
2x + 3.7 = 1.7
2. Subtract 3.7 from both sides of the equation:
2x + 3.7 - 3.7 = 1.7 - 3.7
2x = -2
3. Divide both sides of the equation by 2 to isolate x:
(2x)/2 = (-2)/2
x = -1

Now substitute the value of x into the equation:

3.75(-1) + 3.7 = 1.7 + 1.75(-1)
-3.75 + 3.7 = 1.7 - 1.75
-0.05 = -0.05

Since both sides are equal, the answer is correct.
Your answer: b) -1

All of your answers are correct! Well done!