Using a flowchart write a program that does the following:

•Create the logic for a program that accepts input values for the projected cost of a vacation and the number of months until vacation. Use both values to totals that displays the amount you must save per month to achieve your goal.
•Provide your answer as a .vls file.

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To create a program that calculates the amount you must save per month for a vacation, you can use a flowchart to visualize the logic. Here's a possible flowchart for the program:


Enter projected cost of the vacation

Enter number of months until vacation

Check if inputs are valid

If invalid inputs, display error message

If valid inputs, calculate monthly savings

Display the amount to save per month


In the flowchart above, the program starts by prompting the user to enter the projected cost of the vacation and the number of months until the vacation.

The flowchart then checks if the inputs are valid. For example, it can check if the projected cost is a positive number and if the number of months is greater than zero. If the inputs are not valid, the program displays an error message and exits.

If the inputs are valid, the program proceeds to calculate the amount you must save per month. This calculation can be done by dividing the projected cost by the number of months.

Finally, the program displays the result, which is the amount the user needs to save per month to achieve their vacation goal.

To provide the answer as a .vls file, you can use a flowchart design tool such as Microsoft Visio or Lucidchart to create the flowchart. Once you've created the flowchart, you can save it as a .vls (Visio) file or export it to the desired format.