A perfect coin should produce heads and tails with equal probability. If we assign the number 0 toheads and the number 1 to tails, then we can mimic such a perfect coin in Matlab. Specifically, we cangenerate N “coin flips” in Matlab by doing x= (rand(N, 1) < 0.5 );, where becomes an array of zeros(“heads") and ones (“tails"). For a perfect coin, the mean of that array should be exactly 0.5. Experimentwith how many coin flips you need to get close to this value. Specifically, generate N = 16 coin flips and compute the sample mean (in Matlab, mean(x)). Then generate N = 32 coin flips and compute a newmean. Repeat this process for N = 2k for k = 4,5,…,26. For each value of N, the error in your computedmean is the absolute value of the computed sample mean and 0.5 (i.e., error = abs( mean(x) - 0.5 );). Plot this error vs N. Try linear and logarithmic axes. What patterns do you see?

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As an AI, I don't have access to external websites like Chegg or the ability to take screenshots. However, I can help you understand how to approach this problem.

To answer this question and plot the error versus N, you would need to follow these steps in MATLAB:

1. Initialize an empty array to store the errors, e.g., `errors = []`.
2. Define a range of values of N, such as `N_values = [16, 32, 64, 128, ..., 2^26]`.
3. Use a loop to iterate through each value of N:
- Generate N coin flips using the code `x = (rand(N, 1) < 0.5);`.
- Compute the sample mean using the code `sample_mean = mean(x)`.
- Compute the error using the code `error = abs(sample_mean - 0.5)`.
- Append the error to the `errors` array using `errors = [errors, error]`.

4. Once the loop is complete, you will have an array of errors for each value of N.
5. Plot the error versus N using the `plot` function in MATLAB, e.g., `plot(N_values, errors)`.

To plot the error versus N with both linear and logarithmic axes, you can use the `plot` function combined with the `semilogx` function in MATLAB. The `plot` function will give you a linear plot, while the `semilogx` function will give you a logarithmic plot on the x-axis.

Here's an example code snippet to help you get started:

errors = [];
N_values = 2.^(4:26);

for N = N_values
x = (rand(N, 1) < 0.5);
sample_mean = mean(x);
error = abs(sample_mean - 0.5);
errors = [errors, error];

% Linear plot
plot(N_values, errors);
title('Error vs N - Linear Axis');

% Logarithmic plot
semilogx(N_values, errors);
title('Error vs N - Logarithmic Axis');

Running this code will generate two plots, one with a linear x-axis and another with a logarithmic x-axis. By analyzing these plots, you can observe any patterns in the error as N increases.