All of the following are implied powers of Congress EXCEPT the power to

a. set maximum work hours
b. restrict arms sales
c. fund education programs
d. censor radio and TV programs

This site should be of help.

I think it is C

To determine the answer to the question, we can use the provided website as a resource. Let's analyze each option:

a. Setting maximum work hours: Congress has the power to set laws related to labor and employment, including regulating work hours. This aligns with the implied powers of Congress.

b. Restricting arms sales: Congress has the authority to regulate commerce, which includes the sale of firearms. Therefore, this power is an implied power of Congress.

c. Funding education programs: This is a power not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. To confirm whether it is an implied power, we can refer to the website provided.

By navigating to the website and exploring the section about the powers of Congress, we can see that Congress has implied powers which allow it to pass laws necessary and proper for carrying out its specific powers. These implied powers are derived from the Elastic Clause in the Constitution. Looking at the given options, funding education programs (option c) seems to be a power that could be considered an implied power granted to Congress.

Therefore, option d, "censor radio and TV programs," seems to be the correct answer as it is not an implied power of Congress.

If you would like to verify this answer or further explore the powers of Congress, I recommend visiting the website provided (