answers marked below

1. Which of Earth’s spheres contains most of its mass? (1 point)
2. Erosion and weathering are examples of which types of forces? (1 point)
constructive forces
destructive forces
gravitational forces
inertia-related forces
Note: The item below has been reviewed and is scheduled to be updated. All students will receive full credit for any response to the following.
3. Which of the following statements about Earth’s atmosphere is true? (1 point)
Earth’s atmosphere contains 78 percent water vapor, which is essential to life.
Earth’s atmosphere contains 21 percent oxygen.
Earth’s atmosphere contains carbon dioxide, which all life forms require.
Earth’s atmosphere allows radiation from the sun to pass through it and warm Earth’s surface.
4. The strength of the force of gravity between two objects is determined by which of the following factors? Select all that apply. (2 points)
the masses of the objects
the distance between the objects
the volumes of the objects
the surface area of the objects
5. Earth and the moon are kept in their respective orbits due to the influence of (1 point)
both inertia and gravity
neither inertia or gravity
6. Earth’s rotation takes about _____, whereas its revolution takes about _____. (1 point)
one day; one year
one year; one day
one month; one year
one day; one eclipse
7. Earth’s tilted axis affects the strength of sunlight in different places on Earth’s surface. If you are in an area that is receiving less direct sunlight, where are you located? (1 point)
near the equator
near the North Pole
near the South Pole
near the North or South Pole
8. Which of the following motions causes day and night? (1 point)
the sun’s movement in the sky
Earth’s revolution around the sun
Earth’s movement in space
Earth’s rotation on its axis
9. Which of the following descriptions of the moon’s surface is accurate? (1 point)
The moon’s surface is wet and smooth.
The moon’s surface is dry and irregular.
The moon’s surface has mountains and oceans.
The moon’s surface is exactly like Earth's surface.
Note: The item below has been reviewed and is scheduled to be updated. All students will receive full credit for any response to the following.
10. Why can you never see the far side of the moon from Earth? (1 point)
because Earth is spinning too quickly
because it cannot be seen during daylight hours
because the moon rotates once on its axis in the same time that it takes to revolve around Earth
because the moon does not rotate
11. During what phase of the moon can a lunar eclipse occur? (1 point)
new moon
first quarter
waxing gibbous
full moon
12. Which of the following is the smallest conceivable amount of time that could pass between a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse? (1 point)
about 14 days
about 28 days
about 183 days
about 365 days
13. When are tides in Earth’s oceans the highest? (1 point)
during the moon’s waning gibbous phase
during the moon’s waxing gibbous phase
when the moon is at a right angle to the sun
when the sun, Earth, and moon are in a line
14. Under which of the following circumstances do neap tides occur? (1 point)
during the new moon phase
when the sun’s pull is in the same direction as the moon’s pull
when the sun’s pull is at a right angle to the moon’s pull
during the full moon phase
15. Why doesn’t the moon move away from Earth? (1 point)
because the moon’s orbit is too small
because Earth’s gravity is strong
because the moon has a large mass, and this creates a greater inertia for the moon than for Earth
because the moon has nowhere else to go
16. Which of the following best describes constructive forces? (1 point)
forces that build up, or create, landmasses
forces that wear down, or destroy, landmasses
forces that change the appearance of weathered rock
forces that are constant
17. Why did the following change occur? The snow that covered the ground all winter began to melt, temperatures rose, and flowers started to bloom. (1 point)
Days became shorter.
The Earth tilted away from the sun.
The sun's rays became more concentrated.
Earth completed one revolution.
18. True/False

Tides are caused by the force of inertia from the sun and moon acting on Earth. (1 point)

"answers marked below "


When you have answered your questions, someone will be glad to check them. To answer them, please read your text materials.

HELP must be an interesting school subject. I thought maybe your house was on fire and you needed rescuing, or needed an ambulance.

And PLEASE do not list your answers separately from the questions (below)!! Indicate your answers with each question.

opps sorry :(


Someone else can check these. I'm not spending the rest of my day scrolling up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down 17 times to match the answers to the questions.

Omg Brookie it's me Savvy!!!

1. The geosphere contains most of Earth's mass. The geosphere refers to the solid, rocky layers of Earth, including the core, mantle, and crust.

2. Erosion and weathering are examples of destructive forces. Destructive forces refer to the processes that break down and wear away Earth's surface, such as erosion caused by wind and weathering caused by water.

3. The statement "Earth’s atmosphere allows radiation from the sun to pass through it and warm Earth’s surface" is true. The Earth's atmosphere is composed of various gases, including nitrogen, oxygen, and small amounts of other gases. It acts as a protective blanket, allowing sunlight to pass through and warming the Earth's surface.

4. The strength of the force of gravity between two objects is determined by the masses of the objects and the distance between them. As the mass of the objects increases, the force of gravity between them increases. Likewise, as the distance between the objects increases, the force of gravity decreases.

5. Earth and the moon are kept in their respective orbits due to the influence of gravity. Gravity is the force of attraction between two objects with mass, and it keeps celestial bodies like the Earth and the Moon in their orbits.

6. Earth's rotation takes about one day (24 hours), whereas its revolution takes about one year (365.25 days). Rotation refers to the spinning of Earth on its axis, which causes day and night. Revolution refers to Earth's orbit around the sun, which takes approximately one year to complete.

7. If you are in an area that is receiving less direct sunlight, it means you are located near the North or South Pole. The tilt of Earth's axis causes different parts of the Earth's surface to receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the year. Areas near the poles receive less direct sunlight due to the tilt of Earth's axis.

8. Earth's rotation on its axis causes day and night. As Earth rotates, different parts of its surface are exposed to and receive sunlight, causing day and night cycles.

9. The moon's surface is dry and irregular. Unlike Earth, the moon does not have an atmosphere or liquid water, so its surface is dry and rugged, with various features such as impact craters, mountains, and valleys.

10. You can never see the far side of the moon from Earth because the moon rotates once on its axis in the same time that it takes to revolve around Earth. This synchronous rotation means that the same side of the moon always faces Earth, while the far side is not visible from our vantage point.

11. A lunar eclipse can occur during the full moon phase. A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth comes between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon and causing it to darken.

12. The smallest conceivable amount of time that could pass between a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse is about 14 days. This is because a solar eclipse can only occur during a new moon phase, which happens approximately 14 days after a full moon phase (when a lunar eclipse occurs).

13. Tides in Earth's oceans are highest when the sun, Earth, and moon are in a line. This configuration, known as a syzygy, causes the combined gravitational pull of the sun and the moon to have the greatest effect and results in higher tides.

14. Neap tides occur when the sun's pull is at a right angle to the moon's pull. During neap tides, the gravitational forces of the sun and the moon partially cancel each other out, resulting in lower high tides and higher low tides.

15. The moon doesn't move away from Earth because Earth's gravity is strong enough to keep it in its orbit. Gravity is the force of attraction between two objects with mass, and it prevents the moon from moving away or escaping Earth's gravitational pull.

16. Constructive forces are forces that build up or create landmasses. These forces include processes like volcanic activity, uplift, and deposition of sediment that contribute to the formation and growth of landmasses.

17. The change described in the question occurred because the sun's rays became more concentrated. With the arrival of spring and the change in seasons, the position of the Earth in its orbit causes the sun's rays to become more direct and concentrated, leading to higher temperatures and the melting of snow.

18. False. Tides are caused by the gravitational forces exerted by the moon and the sun on Earth's oceans. Inertia plays a role in keeping the water moving in response to these gravitational forces, but it is not the primary cause of tides.