Fran wants to cover a retangular box with contact paper. The box is 10cm long, 5cm wide and 5cm high. How much paper will she need to cover all 6 sides?

think about it: one bottom, and 4 sides (2 long and 2 short)

you know that area is length * width, so draw the box and label the edges.

oops bottom and top are the same size.



top and bottom: 10x5x2 = 100
short sides: 5x5x2 = 50
long sides 10x5x2 = 100

sum is 250 cm^2

To find out how much paper Fran will need to cover all six sides of the rectangular box, we need to calculate the total surface area of the box.

The rectangular box has six sides: the top, bottom, front, back, left, and right sides. The top and bottom are both rectangles with dimensions 10cm by 5cm, and each has an area of 10cm * 5cm = 50cm^2.

The front and back sides are rectangles with dimensions 10cm by 5cm, so each has an area of 10cm * 5cm = 50cm^2.

The left and right sides are rectangles with dimensions 5cm by 5cm, so each has an area of 5cm * 5cm = 25cm^2.

Therefore, the total surface area of the rectangular box is:

(2 * 50cm^2) + (2 * 50cm^2) + (2 * 25cm^2) = 200cm^2 + 200cm^2 + 50cm^2 = 450cm^2.

So, Fran will need 450 square centimeters of contact paper to cover all six sides of the rectangular box.