Charlene has 2 5/8 yards of fabric. The curtain she is making requires 3 3/4 yards. How much more fabric does she need?

3 6/8 - 2 5/8 = ?

3 3/4 - 2 5/8 = 3 6/8 - 2 5/8 = 1 1/8

To find out how much more fabric Charlene needs, we need to subtract the length of fabric she already has from the length required for the curtain.

Given that Charlene has 2 5/8 yards of fabric and the curtain requires 3 3/4 yards, we can convert both fractions to have a common denominator, which in this case is 8.

Converting 2 5/8 to an improper fraction:
2 * 8 = 16
16 + 5 = 21

Converting 3 3/4 to an improper fraction:
3 * 4 = 12
12 + 3 = 15

Now that we have both lengths as improper fractions, we can subtract:

21/8 - 15/4

To simplify this subtraction, we need to find a common denominator. Since 8 is already a denominator, we can convert 15/4 to an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 8:

15/4 * 2/2 = 30/8

Now we can subtract:

21/8 - 30/8 = -9/8

Therefore, Charlene needs -9/8 yards of fabric, which means she actually has more fabric than required.