Yvette earned $66.00 for 8 hours of work. Lizbeth earned $68.80 working the same amount of time. How much more per hour did Lizbeth earn than Yvette earned?

a. $0.35
b. $0.45
c. $2.80
d. $8.25


Please check the above.

Answer would be a $0.35

Is that correct?

Yes. $0.35 is right.


No. Figure out how much each of them made per hour.

You're welcome, Patrick.


I miss these years.

To calculate how much more per hour Lizbeth earned compared to Yvette, we need to find the difference in their earnings and divide it by the number of hours worked.

First, we need to find the difference in their earnings:
Lizbeth's earnings - Yvette's earnings = $68.80 - $66.00

Next, we divide the difference by the number of hours worked (which is 8 hours):
($68.80 - $66.00) ÷ 8

Now, we can simplify the equation to find the answer:
$2.80 ÷ 8 = $0.35

Therefore, Lizbeth earned $0.35 more per hour than Yvette. So, the correct answer is a. $0.35.

Thank you for checking this.