chlorine atoms have larger radii than fluorine

A. True
B. false
I am unsure

To determine whether chlorine atoms have larger radii than fluorine atoms, we need to consider their positions on the periodic table.

The number of protons and electrons in an atom determines its atomic number. In general, as we move from left to right across a period on the periodic table, the number of protons and electrons increases, resulting in a decrease in atomic radius. The atomic radius tends to decrease from left to right across a period.

Chlorine (Cl) and fluorine (F) are both located in Group 17 or the halogen group. Comparing their positions in the periodic table, we can see that chlorine is below fluorine. Moving downward in a group generally results in an increase in atomic radius, as additional electron shells are added.

Therefore, based on their positions in the periodic table, chlorine atoms have larger radii than fluorine atoms.

So, the correct answer is:

A. True