kyle is twelve years old. his age is 2 more than half the age of steven. find the age of steven

(1/2)S + 2 = 12

solve for S


To find the age of Steven, we need to solve the given equation.

Let's assume Steven's age is "x".

According to the given statement, Kyle's age is 2 more than half the age of Steven, which can be represented as:

Kyle's age = (1/2) * Steven's age + 2

We know that Kyle's age is 12:

12 = (1/2) * x + 2

To solve for x, we will first move the constant term to the other side of the equation:

12 - 2 = (1/2) * x

10 = (1/2) * x

Next, we will solve for x by multiplying both sides of the equation by 2:

2 * 10 = 2 * (1/2) * x

20 = x

So, the age of Steven is 20 years.