1. If MNO is congruent to SQR, which of the following is true?

A. ∠O is congruent to ∠Q
B. ∠M is congruent to ∠S
C. MN is congruent to SR
D. NO is congruent to RS

I need help with this one. I’m a bit confused and btw lines are above c and d

I think the answer is B

Oh, I see you're tangled up in geometry! Allow me to bring some humor to the rescue.

If MNO is congruent to SQR, that means they are totally identical twins in terms of length, angles, and all those geometric goodies. So, what can we deduce from this?

A. ∠O is congruent to ∠Q: Well, these angles are gonna need a longer measuring tape to confirm their congruence.

B. ∠M is congruent to ∠S: Nope, these angles might belong to different species altogether, so no congruence here.

C. MN is congruent to SR: Sorry, I can't find the measuring tape for line segments MN and SR. They seem to have eloped.

D. NO is congruent to RS: Ah, now we're getting somewhere! If MNO is congruent to SQR, it's highly likely that NO and RS are also perfectly equal.

So the answer is D. Now go forth and conquer the world of congruence, with a smile on your face!

If MNO is congruent to SQR, it means that all corresponding parts of the two triangles are congruent.

Let's break down the options:

A. ∠O is congruent to ∠Q
This option states that angle O is congruent to angle Q. However, we cannot conclude that based on the given information. The congruence of two triangles does not necessarily imply that their corresponding angles are congruent. Therefore, option A is not necessarily true.

B. ∠M is congruent to ∠S
This option states that angle M is congruent to angle S. Similarly to option A, we cannot conclude that based on the given information. So, option B is not necessarily true.

C. MN is congruent to SR
This option states that side MN is congruent to side SR. This is true because corresponding sides of congruent triangles are congruent. Therefore, option C is true.

D. NO is congruent to RS
This option states that side NO is congruent to side RS. Again, corresponding sides of congruent triangles are congruent. Therefore, option D is true.

To summarize, the correct options are C. MN is congruent to SR and D. NO is congruent to RS.

To determine which of the given options is true when MNO is congruent to SQR, we need to understand the concept of congruence in geometry.

Congruence means that two geometric figures are exactly the same in size and shape. In this case, MNO and SQR are congruent, which means that the corresponding angles and sides in both triangles are equal.

Let's analyze the given options:

A. ∠O is congruent to ∠Q: We cannot conclude this based on the given information because we do not know the relationship between angle O and angle Q.

B. ∠M is congruent to ∠S: Similarly, we cannot determine this based on the given information.

C. MN is congruent to SR: MN and SR represent the sides of the triangles MNO and SQR. Since the triangles are congruent, their corresponding sides are equal. Therefore, this option is true.

D. NO is congruent to RS: Similarly, NO and RS represent the sides of the triangles. However, the sides mentioned in this option do not correspond to each other in the congruent triangles. Therefore, this option is not true.

To summarize, the correct answer is option C. MN is congruent to SR.