Jake ate 1/6 of the cookies. If he ate 5 cookies, how many cookies were there in all?

(1/6)x = 5

Solve for x.


To find out how many cookies were there in all, we can set up a proportion using the information given.

Let's say there were 'x' number of cookies in total.

According to the given information, Jake ate 1/6 of the cookies. Therefore, the fraction of cookies Jake ate can be written as:

1/6 = 5/x

To solve for 'x', we can cross-multiply:

1x = 6 * 5

x = 30

Therefore, there were 30 cookies in total.

To find out how many cookies were there in all, we can set up an equation based on the information given.

Let's assume the total number of cookies is represented by "x".

According to the given information, Jake ate 1/6 of the cookies, which is expressed as (1/6)x.

And it is given that Jake ate 5 cookies, so we can set up an equation: (1/6)x = 5.

To solve for x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 6 to eliminate the fraction:
6 * (1/6)x = 6 * 5.

This simplifies to x = 30.

Therefore, there were 30 cookies in total.