If city AN city BR 175 miles apart on a map the distance between the two towns is 2.5 inches what is the scale of the map

2.5/175 = 1/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

To find the scale of the map, you need to determine the ratio between the distance on the map and the actual distance on the ground. In this case, the distance between city AN and city BR on the map is 2.5 inches, and the actual distance between the two towns is 175 miles.

To calculate the scale, you can use the following formula:

Scale = Distance on Map / Actual Distance

Substituting the values we know:

Scale = 2.5 inches / 175 miles

Before we can proceed with the calculation, we need to ensure that the units are consistent. Let's convert the distance on the map from inches to miles since the actual distance is given in miles. Assuming 1 inch is equivalent to 70 miles, we can calculate:

Scaled Distance = Distance on Map * Conversion Factor
Scaled Distance = 2.5 inches * (70 miles / 1 inch)
Scaled Distance = 2.5 inches * 70 miles/ inch
Scaled Distance = 175 miles

Now that both the distance on the map and the actual distance are in miles, we can calculate the scale:

Scale = Scaled Distance / Actual Distance
Scale = 175 miles / 175 miles
Scale = 1

Therefore, the scale of the map is 1. This means that each unit of distance on the map represents 1 unit of distance in the real world.