Which number is equal to 7(3.5 x 10^4) written in scientific notation?

a. 24.5 x 70^4
b. 2.45 x 10^5***
c. 24.5 x 10^4
d. 1.05 x 10^5

To convert 7(3.5 x 10^4) to scientific notation, we multiply 7 by 3.5 and keep the same exponent of 10^4.

Step 1: Multiply 7 by 3.5:
7 x 3.5 = 24.5

Step 2: Keep the same exponent of 10^4:
The exponent remains as 10^4.

Therefore, the number 7(3.5 x 10^4) written in scientific notation is b. 2.45 x 10^5.

To determine which number is equal to 7(3.5 x 10^4) in scientific notation, we need to multiply the coefficient (7) by the coefficient (3.5) and add the exponents (4).

The calculation would be 7 * 3.5 = 24.5, and adding the exponents would result in 10^4.

So, the correct answer is option b. 2.45 x 10^5.

24.5 * 10^4 = 2.45 * 10^5

so yes, b

That is correct!

:) hope that helped you!