as a part of a geometry assignment john drew an equilateral triangle. which of the following dimensions could reprent the side length of the triangle john drew?


Correct me!!


i dont have those answers all i ave is 3,4,5

16, 16, 18
19, 20, 20.5

To determine which set of numbers could represent the side length of an equilateral triangle, we need to remember that an equilateral triangle has all three sides equal in length.

Looking at the options:

1) 10, 11, 12: These numbers do not have all sides being equal, so they cannot represent the side length of an equilateral triangle.

2) 13, 15, 17: These numbers also do not have all sides being equal, so they cannot represent the side length of an equilateral triangle.

3) 16, 18, 21: Similar to the previous options, these numbers do not have all sides being equal, so they cannot represent the side length of an equilateral triangle.

4) 17, 17, 17: This set of numbers has all three sides being equal. Therefore, it can represent the side length of an equilateral triangle.

So, the correct answer is 17, 17, 17.

To determine which dimensions could represent the side length of the equilateral triangle, we need to recall the properties of an equilateral triangle.

An equilateral triangle has all three sides equal in length. So, the side length of the triangle should be the same for all three sides.

Now let's consider the given options:
1. Option 10, 11, 12: Since the sides have different lengths, this cannot be the side length of an equilateral triangle.
2. Option 13, 15, 17: Again, the sides have different lengths, so this cannot represent the side length of an equilateral triangle either.
3. Option 16, 18, 21: Similar to the previous options, the sides have different lengths, so this also cannot represent the side length of an equilateral triangle.
4. Option 17, 17, 17: Here, all three sides have the same length, which is 17. This is the definition of an equilateral triangle, so this option correctly represents the side length of the triangle John drew.

Therefore, the correct answer is 17, 17, 17.