Can you give me an operation sign?

Certainly! The operation sign you might be referring to is the plus sign (+), which signifies addition. In mathematical operations, the plus sign is used to indicate the sum or addition of two or more numbers or quantities.

To find the plus sign on your computer or mobile device, you can simply use the plus (+) key on your keyboard. It is usually located near the backspace key on the top row of keys, along with the minus (-) key. On a calculator, you will typically find the plus sign as a dedicated button.

If you are looking for other operation signs, here are a few examples:
- Minus sign (-): Indicates subtraction.
- Multiplication sign (×): Shows multiplication.
- Division sign (÷): Represents division.
- Equal sign (=): Indicates equality or the result of an operation.

These signs are commonly used in mathematics and can be found on most standard keyboards or calculators.