in which biome would you find the main types of plant life to be grasses and nonwoody plants A.Desert B.Savanna C.Tundra D.Mountains my answers B


Correct! The main types of plant life in which grasses and nonwoody plants are found are in the biome called the Savanna, which is option B.

To arrive at this answer, you can consider the characteristics of each biome and determine which one is most likely to have grasses and nonwoody plants as the dominant vegetation.

A. Desert: Deserts are known for their arid conditions and lack of water, which generally makes it difficult for plants to survive. While there may be some nonwoody plants that can adapt to desert conditions like cacti, grasses are less likely to be the main type of plant life in deserts.

B. Savanna: Savannas are characterized by a combination of grasses and scattered trees. They have a more moderate climate with a well-defined dry season, which allows grasses to thrive. Nonwoody plants such as wildflowers can also be found in savannas, making option B the correct choice.

C. Tundra: Tundras are cold, treeless regions with very short summers. The plant life in tundras consists mainly of low-growing shrubs, mosses, and lichens, rather than grasses and nonwoody plants.

D. Mountains: Mountains encompass a wide range of ecosystems and can have diverse vegetation depending on factors like altitude and climate. While you may find grasses and nonwoody plants at lower elevations of mountainous regions, mountains as a whole do not exclusively have these types of plant life.

Hence, the correct answer is B. Savanna.