I need help with this sentence:

The meaning of the flag is misunderstood. The majority of misinterpretation comes from misunderstanding the original meaning of what the Confederate symbolizes for Caucasian people from the very beginning when it was created.

I didn't realize I used and repeated "mis" a lot. How can I fix the sentence

Here are some synonyms.


To address the repetition of the word "mis" in your sentence, you can rephrase it in a way that still conveys your intended meaning. Here's one possible revision:

"The flag's true symbolism is often misconstrued, largely due to a misunderstanding of its original significance for Caucasian people since its inception."

In this revised sentence, I have replaced "misinterpreted" with "misconstrued" to avoid repetition. Additionally, "majority of misinterpretation comes from" has been changed to "largely due to" to provide a smoother flow. Finally, instead of repeating "misunderstanding," I have used "misunderstanding of" to maintain clarity and conciseness.