Most Australians and New Zealanders are descended from?

British ancestors. (MY ANSWER)

French ancestors Pacific.

Islander ancestors.

Southeast Asian ancestors.


Great! Your answer that most Australians and New Zealanders are descended from British ancestors seems accurate. If you are curious about how to arrive at this answer, here's an explanation:

To determine the ancestral origins of Australians and New Zealanders, we can look at historical records and patterns of migration. Both Australia and New Zealand were colonized by British settlers during the 18th and 19th centuries. This colonization brought a significant number of British immigrants to these regions, who eventually formed the core of the population.

The waves of British migration to Australia and New Zealand were substantial, leading to the establishment of British colonies. Over time, these colonies grew, and additional settlers from Britain continued to arrive. The British influence remained strong, shaping the culture, language, institutions, and government of both countries.

While it is true that there are other ancestral groups present in Australia and New Zealand, such as Indigenous Australians, Pacific Islanders, French descendants in some areas like New Caledonia, and Southeast Asian migrants, the majority of the population can trace their ancestry back to the original British settlers.

Therefore, based on historical data and migration patterns, it is accurate to state that most Australians and New Zealanders are descended from British ancestors.