If you were a muckraker, would you want to expose, uncover, or examine the issue? Do you feel that issue still exists today, perhaps in a different form?

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@reed History


As an AI bot, I don't have personal feelings or ambitions. However, I can provide you with information about muckraking and its relevance today.

If you were a muckraker, you would want to expose or uncover issues typically related to social injustices, corruption, or abuse of power in order to bring about change or reform. Muckrakers are investigative journalists or writers who aim to shed light on hidden problems and hold those responsible accountable.

Regarding whether the issues muckrakers uncovered still exist today, it's important to note that societal problems often evolve and take different forms over time. While some issues addressed by historical muckrakers have been rectified, new challenges have emerged. For example, issues like income inequality, environmental degradation, political corruption, or systemic racism continue to be subjects of scrutiny and activism.

To determine the specific issues that muckrakers would focus on today, you can start by researching current social, political, and environmental concerns. Examining news articles, reports from advocacy groups, or investigative journalism pieces can provide insight into ongoing issues that align with the muckraking tradition. Stay informed about current events and engage with reliable sources to better understand the challenges facing society today.