The cost of ploughing a square farm is the same as ploughing another farm that is rectangular in shape.the rate of ploughing is the same in both the cases. The side of the square farm is 20m and the length of the rectangular farm is 40m. Find the breath of the farm.


If the time is the same, and the rate is the same, the area of the two fields must be equal

so (40)(w) = 20^2
w = 400/40 = 10

A farm which is 10 m wide ?

To find the breadth of the rectangular farm, we can use the fact that the cost of ploughing is the same for both the square and rectangular farms.

Let's start by calculating the area of the square farm. The area of a square is given by side * side. So, the area of the square farm is 20m * 20m = 400 square meters.

Now, let's calculate the area of the rectangular farm. The area of a rectangle is given by length * breadth. We are given that the length is 40m, and we need to find the breadth. Since the cost of ploughing is the same for both farms, the area of the square farm should be equal to the area of the rectangular farm. So, we have:

400 square meters = 40m * breadth

Now, let's solve for the breadth of the rectangular farm:

400 square meters / 40m = breadth

10m = breadth

Therefore, the breadth of the rectangular farm is 10 meters.