If I take a regulars class and get an A in it but the rest of my classes are AP, will an A in a regulars class be considered a B in AP? And would a B in AP be considered an A in regulars?

No. An "A" is an "A" and a "B" is a "B"

Some schools do weigh AP class grades differently than regular class grades. Check with your teacher or counselor.

Colleges may also weight AP grades differently, too. It depends on the college. But, still, for your GPA, an A is still four points, a B is still three points.

When it comes to determining how an A in a regular class compares to a grade in an AP class, it can vary depending on the specific policies and practices of your school or educational institution. Generally speaking, AP classes are considered to be more academically rigorous and demanding than regular classes.

In some cases, schools may weight AP classes, meaning that the grades you receive in AP classes are given more value than the grades you receive in regular classes. This means that an A in an AP class would be weighted higher than an A in a regular class. Conversely, a B in an AP class may be considered lower than an A in a regular class if the grading scale is weighted.

On the other hand, some schools may have a standardized grading scale where an A in any class, regardless of level, is considered the highest achievement. In such cases, an A in a regular class would still be considered an A, regardless of the rigor of your other AP classes. Similarly, a B in an AP class would still be considered a B, regardless of the difficulty of regular classes.

To definitively answer your question, you should reach out to your school or check your student handbook to find out their specific grading policies. It's also important to note that college admissions committees often take into consideration the level of courses you took and the grades you received. They tend to give more weight to grades achieved in AP or other advanced classes. So, while the grading scale may vary, it's generally beneficial to aim for higher grades in your AP classes.