Movie proffesionals such as prop designers and graphic designers wor together to create a believable film. Which method of creating a believable screenplay is unique to the job of screenwriter

Are these your choices?

A. research of time period architecture and design
B. research of time period photographs and sketches
C. research of time period costumes and makeup
D. research of time period language and phrases

What is your answer?

Yes and c

The job of a screenwriter is unique in that they are primarily responsible for creating the screenplay, which serves as the foundation for the entire movie. While other movie professionals, like prop designers and graphic designers, contribute to the overall believability of the film through their respective roles, the screenwriter plays a critical role in shaping the story, characters, and dialogue.

To create a believable screenplay, a screenwriter follows a specific process:

1. Idea Generation: The screenwriter starts by coming up with a compelling idea, concept, or story that they want to bring to life on the screen. This can stem from personal experiences, existing material like books or true stories, or completely original ideas.

2. Outlining: Once the basic idea is formed, the screenwriter creates an outline that acts as a roadmap for the entire story. This includes determining the major plot points, character arcs, and overall structure of the screenplay.

3. Character Development: Creating believable and relatable characters is crucial. The screenwriter fleshes out the main characters, giving them unique personalities, motivations, flaws, and conflicts. These well-developed characters make the story more engaging and believable.

4. Dialogue Writing: A significant part of a screenwriter's job is crafting realistic and engaging dialogue for the characters. Each character should have their own distinct voice and way of speaking, which adds depth and authenticity to their interactions.

5. Story Pacing: The screenwriter ensures that the story unfolds in a way that maintains audience interest and keeps them engaged. This involves careful consideration of the structure, pacing, and timing of key events and plot twists.

6. Revision and Collaboration: After completing the initial draft, the screenwriter revises and refines the screenplay based on feedback from producers, directors, and other collaborators. This collaborative process helps to improve the believability and storytelling aspects of the screenplay.

Ultimately, the unique aspect of a screenwriter's job in creating a believable screenplay lies in the ability to weave a cohesive and engrossing story that captivates the audience and serves as a foundation for other movie professionals to bring it to life visually.