The ratio of two numbers is 7:9. The difference between the two numbers is 10. Find their sum




7:9= 35:45=80


To find the sum of the two numbers, we first need to determine the values of the two numbers individually. Here's how we can do that:

Step 1: Understand the given information
The ratio of the two numbers is given as 7:9. This means that the first number can be represented as 7x, and the second number can be represented as 9x, where x is a common factor.

Step 2: Formulate an equation
The difference between the two numbers is given as 10. So we can write the equation as:
9x - 7x = 10

Step 3: Solve the equation
Combining like terms, we have:
2x = 10

Divide both sides of the equation by 2 to isolate x:
x = 10/2
x = 5

Step 4: Find the values of the two numbers
Now that we know the value of x, substitute it back into our representations of the numbers:
First number = 7x = 7 * 5 = 35
Second number = 9x = 9 * 5 = 45

Step 5: Calculate the sum
Finally, calculate the sum of the two numbers:
Sum = First number + Second number = 35 + 45 = 80

So, the sum of the two numbers is 80.