"To err is human, to forgive, divine" is an example of?

A. Paradox
B. Metaphor
C. Logical fallacy
D. Antithesis

I chose D. Am I Correct?

Yes, you're right.


Yes, you are correct! "To err is human, to forgive, divine" is an example of antithesis. Antithesis is a literary device in which contrasting ideas are presented in a balanced manner. In this example, the contrast between the actions of erring (being human) and forgiving (being divine) highlights the opposing qualities of humans and divinity.

Yes, you are correct. "To err is human, to forgive, divine" is an example of antithesis. Antithesis is a literary device that involves the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas or words within a parallel structure. In this example, the contrasting ideas are "to err is human" and "to forgive, divine." The first part acknowledges the fallibility of humans, while the second part emphasizes the nobility and divinity of forgiveness, creating a contrast between human nature and divine nature.