I am trying to finish this final problem on my Java homework. Due to a death in the family I've missed a class and now am trying to get back on track.

Write a driver class called GasPumpDriver that meets the following specifications:
• Prompt the user to enter a 16 digit credit card number, read as a string
• Prompt the user to enter a month/year from the credit card, in the format MM/YY, read as a string
• Prompt the user to enter a dollar amount to be spent on a gas purchase, read as a double
• Prompt the user to enter the price per gallon for unleaded gasoline, read as a double
• Prompt the user to enter the price per gallon for premium gasoline, read as a double
• Prompt the user to enter the price per gallon for super premium gasoline, read as a double
• Create a GasPump object.
• Call the set/insert methods with the dollar amounts.
• Call the “est” methods and print the values for:
o the number of unleaded gallons that can be purchased
o the number of premium gallons that can be purchased
o the number of super premium gallons that can be purchased
• Print the credit card information, in the following format, showing only the last 4 digits of the card number:
Card: XXXXXXXXXXXX1234 Month: 10 Year: 09

I was given this class which needs no changes:

public class GasPump {
private double unleadedPPG;
private double premiumPPG;
private double superPremiumPPG;
private double balance;

public GasPump() {
this.balance = 0.0;

public void setUnleadedPPG(double inPPG) {
this.unleadedPPG = inPPG;

public void setPremiumPPG(double inPPG) {
this.premiumPPG = inPPG;

public void setSuperPremiumPPG(double inPPG) {
this.superPremiumPPG = inPPG;

public void insert(double dollars) {
balance = balance + dollars;

public double estUnleadedGallons() {
return balance / unleadedPPG;

public double estPremiumGallons() {
return balance / premiumPPG;

public double estSuperPremiumGallons() {
return balance / superPremiumPPG;

To finish the GasPumpDriver class, you need to follow these steps:

1. Create a new Java class called GasPumpDriver. You can do this by right-clicking on your project in your IDE and selecting "New" > "Class" (or something similar).

2. Inside the GasPumpDriver class, you need to prompt the user for various inputs and call the GasPump methods accordingly. Here's an example implementation:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class GasPumpDriver {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

// Prompt the user to enter a 16 digit credit card number, read as a string
System.out.print("Enter 16 digit credit card number: ");
String cardNumber = scanner.nextLine();

// Prompt the user to enter a month/year from the credit card, in the format MM/YY, read as a string
System.out.print("Enter month/year (MM/YY): ");
String expiryDate = scanner.nextLine();

// Prompt the user to enter a dollar amount to be spent on a gas purchase, read as a double
System.out.print("Enter dollar amount to be spent: ");
double dollars = scanner.nextDouble();

// Prompt the user to enter the price per gallon for unleaded gasoline, read as a double
System.out.print("Enter price per gallon for unleaded gasoline: ");
double unleadedPPG = scanner.nextDouble();

// Prompt the user to enter the price per gallon for premium gasoline, read as a double
System.out.print("Enter price per gallon for premium gasoline: ");
double premiumPPG = scanner.nextDouble();

// Prompt the user to enter the price per gallon for super premium gasoline, read as a double
System.out.print("Enter price per gallon for super premium gasoline: ");
double superPremiumPPG = scanner.nextDouble();

// Create a GasPump object
GasPump gasPump = new GasPump();

// Call the set/insert methods with the dollar amounts

// Call the "est" methods and print the values
System.out.println("Number of unleaded gallons that can be purchased: " + gasPump.estUnleadedGallons());
System.out.println("Number of premium gallons that can be purchased: " + gasPump.estPremiumGallons());
System.out.println("Number of super premium gallons that can be purchased: " + gasPump.estSuperPremiumGallons());

// Print the credit card information
System.out.println("Card: XXXXXXXXXXXX" + cardNumber.substring(12) + " Month: " + expiryDate.substring(0, 2) + " Year: " + expiryDate.substring(3));

You can copy the above code into your GasPumpDriver class and then run the program. It should prompt you for the required inputs and display the values accordingly. Just make sure to handle exceptions and error cases as needed.