a quality control inspector found that 1.3percent of 1500 computer inspected were defective how many computer were defective


1500 x 0.013 = ?

To find out how many computers were defective, we need to calculate 1.3% of 1500.

Step 1: Convert 1.3% to decimal form.
1.3% = 1.3/100 = 0.013

Step 2: Multiply 0.013 by 1500.
0.013 * 1500 = 19.5

Therefore, approximately 19.5 computers were defective. Since we cannot have half a computer, we round down to the nearest whole number, which means there were 19 defective computers.

To find the number of defective computers, you need to calculate 1.3% of 1500. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Convert the percentage to decimal form
1.3% is equivalent to 0.013 in decimal form. To convert a percentage to a decimal, divide it by 100.

0.013 = 1.3/100

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by the total number of computers inspected
Multiply the decimal form (0.013) by the total number of computers inspected (1500).

Number of defective computers = 0.013 * 1500

Step 3: Calculate the product
Multiply the decimal (0.013) by 1500 to find the number of defective computers.

Number of defective computers = 0.013 * 1500 = 19.5

Since we can't have a fraction of a computer, we round it to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, there were approximately 20 defective computers out of the 1500 inspected.