At 3h00 a clock strikes the bell 3 times. The time between first and last strike is 30 seconds. How long does it take to strike the bell at 12h00?

x-------x-------x------ ...

notice there are only two time intervals between the first and third strike
so the time between strikes is 15 seconds

Thus at 12:00 we would have 11 time intervals, and it would take
11(15) or 165 seconds

To calculate the time it takes to strike the bell at 12:00, we need to consider a few things.

First, we can observe that there are 11 intervals between the strikes of the clock: one before the first strike, one between each pair of strikes, and one after the last strike. Since the time between the first and last strike is 30 seconds, we can divide this time by the number of intervals (11) to find the length of each interval.

30 seconds / 11 intervals = 2.73 seconds per interval

Now, knowing that each interval is 2.73 seconds long, we can calculate the time it takes to strike the bell at 12:00 by multiplying the number of intervals by the length of each interval.

There are 12 strikes at 12:00, which means there are 11 intervals between the strikes.

11 intervals * 2.73 seconds per interval = 30.03 seconds

So, it takes approximately 30.03 seconds to strike the bell at 12:00.