Larry leaves home at 2:08 and runs at a constant speed to the lamppost. He reaches the lamppost at 2:15, immediately turns, and runs to the tree. Larry arrives at the tree at 2:29. What is Larry's average velocity during his trip from home to the lamppost, if the lamppost is 308.0 m west of home, and the tree is 688.0 m east of home?

What is the average velocity for Larry's entire run?

it is only his final position and initial position that determines change in position. He ends up 688E of his home


To calculate Larry's average velocity during his trip from home to the lamppost, we need to determine the total displacement and the total time taken.

First, let's calculate the total displacement. Given that the lamppost is 308.0 m west of home, Larry travels a distance of 308.0 meters.

Next, let's calculate the total time taken. Larry leaves home at 2:08 and reaches the lamppost at 2:15, meaning he takes 7 minutes (or 7/60 hours) to reach the lamppost.

Now, we can calculate the average velocity. Average velocity is defined as the total displacement divided by the total time taken.

Average velocity = Total displacement / Total time taken

Substituting the values:
Average velocity = 308.0 m / (7/60 hours)

To simplify, let's convert the time to minutes:
Average velocity = 308.0 m / (7 × 60 minutes / 60 minutes)

Average velocity = 308.0 m / 7 minutes

Now, let's calculate the value:
Average velocity = 44 m/min (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Therefore, Larry's average velocity during his trip from home to the lamppost is 44 meters per minute.

To determine Larry's average velocity for his entire run, we need to calculate the total displacement and total time for the entire trip.

The total displacement is the sum of the distances from home to the lamppost (308.0 m west) and from the lamppost to the tree (688.0 m east), which gives us a total displacement of 308.0 m west - 688.0 m east = -380.0 m.

The total time for the entire trip is the time taken from home to the lamppost (7 minutes) plus the time taken from the lamppost to the tree (14 minutes), which gives us a total time of 7 minutes + 14 minutes = 21 minutes (or 21/60 hours).

Now, let's calculate the average velocity for the entire run:
Average velocity = Total displacement / Total time taken

Substituting the values:
Average velocity = -380.0 m / (21/60 hours)

To simplify, let's convert the time to minutes:
Average velocity = -380.0 m / (21 × 60 minutes / 60 minutes)

Average velocity = -380.0 m / 21 minutes

Now, let's calculate the value:
Average velocity ≈ -18.1 m/min (rounded to one decimal place)

Therefore, Larry's average velocity for his entire run is approximately -18.1 meters per minute.