Addition and subtraction are examples of what are best called ____

a. variables
b. terms
c. equations
d. operations

I believe the answer is is B terms

adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, taking the root of, are all math operations.

Actually, the correct answer is D, operations. Addition and subtraction are both operations in mathematics. To arrive at the answer, you can break down the options and analyze them:

a. Variables: In math, variables are symbols used to represent unknown quantities or values. Addition and subtraction involve using known numbers, so variables are not directly applicable here.

b. Terms: In algebra, terms refer to the individual parts of an expression separated by addition or subtraction signs. While addition and subtraction are involved in combining terms, they are not themselves examples of terms.

c. Equations: Equations are mathematical statements that assert the equality of two expressions. Although addition and subtraction can be used in equations, they are not considered examples of equations themselves.

d. Operations: This option refers to mathematical processes or actions. Addition and subtraction, being fundamental methods of combining or taking away numbers, are indeed examples of operations.

Therefore, the correct answer is D, operations.