Question #1: Why did Jews feel entitled to claim Israel as their nation following World War II?

a. They had not place else to go.
b. They believed that God had promised them this land.
c. They had the military strength to hold the land
d. The United Nations had given them the land.

I think the answer is "a" because according to what I have studied anti-semitism on Europe grew and led to the Holocaust during World War II. This pushed more Jews to migrate to the Palestine Mandate.

Question #2: Which goal led Israelis and Palestinians into conflict?

a. a desire for independence and security
b. religious worship at the same temples
c. military dominance in the region
d. political controls of the same national government.

Answers "b" and "d" are incorrect according to what I have studied. I think the answer is either "a" or "d" because when the United Nations created a plan to divide Palestine into two separate states, Arabs rejected the UN plannwhile the Jews accepted. Later on tensions erupted into violence because neighboring Arab states attacked Israel.

I'm confused.

Thank You

For the first question, a is a good answer -- but it was not the most important one to the Jews. The question asks why the Jews felt entitled to this land.

D is the best answer for the second one. The Palestinians did not want to give the Jews control of the government.

I just found out that B is the correct answer for question 1. I'll keep studying but thanks for your opinion.

Yes, B was the most important reason.

Hi Gourami! Let's break down the questions and find the correct answers:

Question #1: Why did Jews feel entitled to claim Israel as their nation following World War II?

The establishment of Israel as a nation after World War II is a complex and multifaceted topic. The answer to this question involves a combination of factors. You mentioned option "a" which states that Jews had nowhere else to go. This is an important point as many Jews who survived the Holocaust were displaced and faced extreme hardship. The creation of Israel provided a place of refuge and a homeland for Jews who had suffered through persecution and genocide.

Option "b" is also correct. Many Jews have a strong belief that God promised them the land of Israel in ancient times, as mentioned in religious texts. This religious significance played a role in the establishment of Israel as a Jewish state.

Option "c" and "d" are not entirely accurate. While the military strength of Jewish paramilitary groups like the Haganah did play a role in defending and establishing the state of Israel, it was not the sole reason for their entitlement.

So, the correct answer to the question would be both option "a" and "b". Jews felt entitled to claim Israel as their nation following World War II due to a combination of their need for a homeland and their religious beliefs.

Question #2: Which goal led Israelis and Palestinians into conflict?

You correctly ruled out options "b" and "d" for this question.

The answer to this question is primarily option "a" - a desire for independence and security. The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians revolves around their competing claims and goals for the same territory. Both groups seek self-determination and the establishment of an independent state, which has resulted in conflicts, negotiations, and attempts to find a resolution.

The rejection of the UN plan by the Arab states, and subsequent attacks on Israel, escalated tensions and led to violence. The conflict is rooted in the desire for national independence, security, and control over the same land.

I hope this helps clarify your confusion! Let me know if you have any further questions.