What was the cause of American leaders' initial refusal to enter World War I?

The initial refusal of American leaders to enter World War I can be attributed to a few key factors. One major reason was the policy of neutrality that the United States adopted at the beginning of the war in 1914. Neutrality meant that the United States would not take sides in the conflict and would not participate in any military actions.

Additionally, there were several other factors that led to this initial refusal. One was the sentiment among many Americans that it was a European conflict that did not directly concern the United States. The war seemed far away, and there was a belief that it was not America's responsibility to get involved.

Another factor was the desire to focus on domestic issues. At the time, the United States was going through a period of economic growth and political reform. Many American leaders believed that getting involved in a foreign war would divert attention and resources away from these pressing domestic concerns.

Furthermore, there was also a fear of the consequences that could come with involvement in the war. American leaders were aware of the destructive nature of the conflict, and there was concern that getting involved could lead to a loss of American lives and economic damage.

To get a more detailed understanding of the causes of American leaders' initial refusal to enter World War I, one can study historical documents, speeches, and writings from that time period. Analyzing primary sources such as the speeches of President Woodrow Wilson and congressional debates will provide valuable insights into the decision-making process and the factors at play. Additionally, consulting reputable historical books and academic articles on the subject will help piece together a comprehensive understanding of this topic.

Are these your choices?

They wanted to maintain the country’s isolationist policy.
They were not certain the country had the resources to fight.
The United States did not wish to side with the British.
The United States had friendly relations with Germany.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

I put because they didn't wanna side with the Brits