A small fish in the pacific ocean watches a shark swim by a large rock a few meters away. Which of the following is a reference point in this scenario?

A. shark **

B. large rock

C. water

D. pacific ocean

I think the answer is A, please check!

Thanks! It was large rock! I got 8/8 for my science quiz :)

Okay, thank you, I don’t wanna get it wrong

To determine the reference point in this scenario, we need to understand what a reference point is. A reference point is a fixed location or object used to determine motion or position. In this case, the small fish is observing the shark swimming by a large rock. The reference point will be the fixed object or location that is being used as a point of comparison for the motion of the shark.

In this scenario, the shark is the moving object, and the large rock is the fixed object. The small fish is observing the shark swimming by the large rock. Therefore, the correct answer is B. large rock.

The reference point is the small fish. However, since that is not a choice, then the next is the large rock in relationship to the small fish. I vote Large Rock. I haven't personally seen many large rocks in the western Pacific Ocean, except near Point Sur.