A small fish in the pacific ocean watches a shark swim by a large rock a few meters away. Which of the following is a reference point in this scenario?

A. shark **

B. large rock

C. water

D. pacific ocean

I think the answer is A, please check!

see other post

To determine the reference point in this scenario, it's important to understand what a reference point is. A reference point is a location or object used to describe the position of other objects. It serves as a fixed point or frame of reference.

In the given scenario, the small fish is observing a shark swim by a large rock. The reference point is the point from which the other objects are being described.

In this case, the reference point is not the shark itself. The shark is the object being observed. The large rock is also not the reference point because it is also an object being observed.

The water and the Pacific Ocean are not specifically mentioned as points of reference in the scenario. They are part of the overall context but not a specific point used for comparison.

Therefore, the correct answer is none of the options provided. In this scenario, the reference point is not explicitly mentioned.