A pulley system has a velocity ratio of 4 and an efficiency of 80%.calculate the value of the effort required to raise the load of 480N

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To calculate the value of the effort required to raise the load using the pulley system, we need to first understand the concept of velocity ratio and efficiency.

1. Velocity ratio: The velocity ratio of a pulley system is the ratio of the distance traveled by the effort to the distance traveled by the load. In this case, the velocity ratio is given as 4. It means that for every 4 units of distance that the effort moves, the load moves 1 unit of distance.

2. Efficiency: Efficiency is the ratio of the output work to the input work, expressed as a percentage. In this case, the efficiency is given as 80%. It means that 80% of the work done by the effort is effectively transferred to the load, while 20% is lost due to friction and other factors.

Now, let's calculate the value of the effort required to raise the load:

1. Calculate the mechanical advantage (MA) using the velocity ratio:
MA = 1 / velocity ratio
MA = 1 / 4
MA = 0.25

2. Calculate the input work (Win) using the load and mechanical advantage:
Win = load * MA
Win = 480N * 0.25
Win = 120N

3. Calculate the output work (Wout) using the input work and efficiency:
Wout = Win * (efficiency / 100)
Wout = 120N * (80 / 100)
Wout = 96N

4. Finally, calculate the effort (E) required to raise the load using the output work and mechanical advantage:
E = Wout / MA
E = 96N / 0.25
E = 384N

Therefore, the effort required to raise the load of 480N using the pulley system with a velocity ratio of 4 and an efficiency of 80% is 384N.

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Draw a block and tackle system of pulley with a velocity ratio of 5. A block tackle, with a velocity ration of 5 used to raise a mass of 25k. through a vertical distance of a stead by rate if the effort is equal to 60N determine

A pulley systerm has a velocity of 4 and an efficiency of 80%. Calculate the value of the effort required to raise a load of 480N