What is the difference between dharma and karma


karma is just a word used to classify cause and effect relationships and affinities in existence.

Karma is what you do, or more to the point the total effect upon the universe of what you do. In both Hinduism and Buddhism the sum total of the good and bad things you do dictates where you will end up in the next life.
dharma is the truth of the natures underlying all entities in existence. The buddha dharma is the truths of existence that the buddha teaches. Fundamentally, all dharmas are of the same fundamental nature. Dharma is either another word for "the way things are" or kind of the underlying truth behind everything, or in Buddhism it can specifically mean the path to enlightenment taught by the Buddha.
This is my understanding of it. Hoped it helped! ((Sorry If a lot to read))

Dharma and karma are two fundamental concepts in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism that are often interconnected but represent different concepts. Let me explain each of them individually:

1. Dharma: Dharma can be understood as the moral and ethical duty or righteousness that governs human behavior. It is a concept that emphasizes the right way of living and the fulfillment of one's responsibilities and obligations towards oneself, society, and the universe. Dharma is based on the belief that each individual has a unique path or role in life to fulfill, and adhering to this path brings spiritual harmony, personal growth, and social order. In Hinduism, dharma is often associated with the universal principles and laws that sustain the order of the cosmos.

2. Karma: Karma, on the other hand, refers to the law of cause and effect or the consequences of one's actions. It is based on the belief that every action we perform, whether physical, mental, or verbal, generates a corresponding result or consequence. This can be viewed as a cycle of cause and effect that determines an individual's present circumstances and future experiences. Karma is not just limited to one lifetime but extends across multiple lifetimes in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (reincarnation).

To explore the difference between dharma and karma, consider the following:

- Dharma guides individuals to live in accordance with their moral duties and obligations, while karma focuses on the consequences of actions.
- Dharma helps individuals find their unique purpose and role in life, while karma deals with the accumulated effects of past actions on their current and future experiences.

It's important to note that the concepts of dharma and karma can be closely interconnected. Living in alignment with one's dharma is believed to help accumulate positive karma, leading to a more favorable and harmonious future. Understanding the relationship between dharma and karma is key to finding a balance between individual actions and their consequences.