Complete the Table below using the equation y=3x+1.

x ---------- y

-2 ---------
0 ----------
1/6 --------

My answers for y

(There is a second step to this problem but I am going to discuss it after someone checks my work above.)

duh - show your work!

looks good so far

Ok, the next step is, How do I prove (show my work) that I got those answers?

To complete the table using the equation y=3x+1, you need to substitute the given values for x into the equation and solve for y. Let's go step-by-step:

For x = -2:
y = 3(-2) + 1
y = -6 + 1
y = -5

For x = 0:
y = 3(0) + 1
y = 0 + 1
y = 1

For x = 1/6:
y = 3(1/6) + 1
y = 1/2 + 1
y = 1 + 1/2
y = 3/2
y = 1.5

So, the completed table should be:

x ---------- y

-2 --------- -5
0 ---------- 1
1/6 -------- 1.5

Great job on the answers!

Now, if there is a second step you would like to discuss, please let me know and I'll be happy to assist you.
