I can't figure out this problem...

Which character in The Awakening matches the archetypal label of "philosopher"?

Check especially the analysis of major characters. Then let us know what you think.


To figure out which character in The Awakening matches the archetypal label of "philosopher," you can start by reading the analysis of major characters provided in the SparkNotes link you shared.

1. Go to the link: http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/awakening/
2. Scroll down the page and look for the section titled "Analysis of Major Characters."
3. Read through the descriptions of each major character to find any indications of philosophical attributes or tendencies.

Based on the information provided in the SparkNotes analysis, you should be able to identify the character who best fits the label of "philosopher." Remember to consider traits such as deep thinking, introspection, intellectual curiosity, and a propensity for questioning conventional wisdom.

If you're still unsure after reading the provided analysis, you may want to read the book itself or consult additional literary resources to gain a complete understanding of the characters and their characteristics.