Find the center of mass of a uniform circular ring of mass M and radius R?

(R is your radius in metre)


To find the center of mass of a uniform circular ring of mass M and radius R, we first need to understand the concept of center of mass.

The center of mass of an object is the point where its mass is balanced in all directions. In the case of a uniform circular ring, the center of mass will be located at the exact center of the ring because the mass is uniformly distributed.

To find the center of mass, follow these steps:

1. Draw a diagram of the circular ring, indicating its radius R and center point.
2. Divide the circular ring into smaller elemental parts or "infinitesimal" segments.
3. Select one of those segments and denote its mass as dm.
4. The mass of each elemental segment dm is determined by the total mass M divided by the total number of elemental segments (M/N).
5. Find the center of mass for each infinitesimal segment. Since the mass is uniformly distributed, the center of mass for each segment will be the midpoint of that segment.
6. Integrate the position of each elemental segment to find the position of the total mass distribution.
7. Use the integration to find the x and y coordinates of the center of mass.
8. The coordinates (x, y) of the center of mass will represent the position where the mass is balanced for the entire circular ring.

In the case of a uniform circular ring, the x and y coordinates for the center of mass will both be zero, indicating that the center of mass is located at the origin (0,0) of the coordinate system.

Therefore, the center of mass of a uniform circular ring of mass M and radius R is at the origin (0,0).

at the center, due to symettry.