I am in Honors Pre-Calculus and am having a hard time understanding my teacher. I feel so stupid. Does anyone have any suggestions on a website that might give me some insight into what I am doing wrong?


See if any of these sites help.


Ms. Sue,

Thank you so much - I will try these websites. Hope they help!

Have a nice night.

I can definitely help you with that! When it comes to understanding difficult concepts in math, there are several websites that can provide you with explanations and practice problems. Here are some suggestions:

1. Khan Academy (www.khanacademy.org): Khan Academy offers a wide range of math topics, including pre-calculus. The videos provided by Khan Academy are known for their clear explanations and examples that can help you understand the material better.

2. Mathway (www.mathway.com): Mathway is an online calculator that not only solves math problems but also shows step-by-step solutions. It can be useful for verifying your own work and understanding the solution methods.

3. Paul's Online Math Notes (tutorial.math.lamar.edu): This website created by Professor Paul Dawkins provides comprehensive notes and tutorials for various math topics, including pre-calculus. The explanations are detailed and easy to follow, making it a great resource for understanding concepts.

4. Brilliant (brilliant.org): Brilliant offers interactive lessons and problems to help deepen your understanding of math concepts. It has a section dedicated specifically to pre-calculus, which can provide you with valuable insights and practice.

5. MathIsFun (www.mathsisfun.com): If you prefer a more interactive approach, MathIsFun is a website with clear explanations, interactive activities, and practice problems. It can be a helpful tool to supplement your classroom learning.

Remember that learning math takes time and practice. Along with online resources, don't hesitate to seek help from your teacher, classmates, or a tutor. They can provide additional explanations and support tailored to your specific needs. Stay persistent and keep practicing, and you'll gradually build your understanding in pre-calculus.