From 7x2 – 4x subtract 5x2 + 2x.

I do not understand what order to subtract. Do I subtract like a or b?

a) 7x2 – 4x - 5x2 + 2x

b) 5x2 + 2x - 7x2 – 4x

7x^2 - 4x - (5x^2 + 2x)

= 7x^2 - 4x - 5x^2 - 2x
= 2x^2 - 6x

do the 2nd the same way

To subtract the given expressions, you need to combine like terms. In this case, you have terms with the same variable raised to the same power like 7x^2 and -5x^2, and also terms with the same variable raised to the power of 1 like -4x and 2x. Here's how you can simplify the expression:

The given expression is: 7x^2 – 4x - 5x^2 + 2x.

a) 7x^2 – 4x - 5x^2 + 2x:
First, group the like terms: (7x^2 - 5x^2) + (-4x + 2x).
Then, combine the coefficients (numbers) of the like terms:
2x^2 - 2x.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 2x^2 - 2x.

In conclusion, you subtract the terms according to option a: 7x^2 – 4x - 5x^2 + 2x.

To correctly subtract the terms in the expression "7x2 – 4x subtract 5x2 + 2x," you need to recognize that the subtraction operation applies to both the coefficients and the variables. One way to approach this is to rearrange the terms in descending order of the exponent of the variable.

Let's go through the process step by step:

1) Rewrite the expression in descending order of the exponent of x:

7x2 – 5x2 - 4x + 2x

2) Combine the like terms:

(7x2 - 5x2) + (-4x + 2x)

3) Simplify the coefficients of the x2 terms:

2x2 + (-4x + 2x)

4) Simplify the coefficients of the x terms:

2x2 - 2x

The final simplified expression is 2x2 - 2x.

Therefore, the correct option to subtract the terms is:
a) 7x2 – 4x - 5x2 + 2x.