if the pre image of a figure is located at (4,2) (-3,-3)(0,8) and it is reflected in the y-axis followed by a translation of 3 units left and 6 units down where is the new image locate give vertex coordinates

You should graph your points first and then use your translations. When you reflect on the y axis, u Multiply your x values by -1 (check to make sure) and then once you have competed that simply move your points left 3 units and down 6 units and then you will have your new points

To find the new image after a reflection in the y-axis followed by a translation, we need to apply both transformations to the pre-image coordinates one step at a time.

1. Reflection in the y-axis:
When a figure is reflected in the y-axis, its x-coordinates change signs while the y-coordinates remain the same. So, we can change the x-coordinates to their negatives while keeping the y-coordinates as they are.

The new coordinates after reflection will be:
(-4, 2), (3, -3), (0, 8)

2. Translation:
To translate a figure, we need to move each vertex by certain units in the x and y directions. In this case, we need to move 3 units left and 6 units down.

The new coordinates after translation will be:
(-4 - 3, 2 - 6) = (-7, -4)
(3 - 3, -3 - 6) = (0, -9)
(0 - 3, 8 - 6) = (-3, 2)

Therefore, the new image after the y-axis reflection followed by the translation is located at the vertex coordinates: (-7, -4), (0, -9), (-3, 2).