Analogies with a word that begins with a consonant blend

What analogy can you make from that list?

To find analogies with a word that begins with a consonant blend, such as "bl," "br," "cl," "cr," "dr," "fr," "gr," "pl," "pr," "scr," "shr," "sk," "sl," "sm," "sn," "sp," "st," "str," "sw," "tr," or "tw," you can use the following steps:

1. Identify the consonant blend: Determine which of the above mentioned consonant blends you want to focus on for your analogy. For example, let's say we choose "br."

2. Understand the meaning of the consonant blend: Familiarize yourself with words that have the chosen consonant blend and their meanings. For our example, words like "bread," "brick," "brother," or "brown" have the "br" blend.

3. Find a base word: Look for a word that shares a similar meaning with the chosen consonant blend. In our case, let's say we choose "book."

4. Find words with the consonant blend: Now, search for words that begin with the consonant blend you have chosen and have a similar meaning to the base word. For "br" and "book," possible analogies could be "browse" (looking at books) or "browsing" (similar to reading a book).

Remember, analogies are comparisons between different things based on their similarities. It's essential to consider the meaning and context of the words while making analogies.