One edge of a botanical garden 2.5km is represented on a map by 5cm.what is the scale of the map

How to calculate a scale of 1:100000 distance in kilometres?

To find the scale of the map, we need to determine the ratio between the length of the garden's edge in reality and its representation on the map.

Given that the edge of the botanical garden is 2.5 km in reality and represented by 5 cm on the map, we can set up the following proportion:

2.5 km / 5 cm = x km / 1 cm

To solve for x, we cross-multiply and divide:

(2.5 km) * (1 cm) = 5 cm * (x km)
2.5 km * cm = 5 cm * x km

Now, we can cancel out the units:

2.5 = 5x

Divide both sides by 5:

2.5 / 5 = x
0.5 = x

Therefore, the scale of the map is 0.5 km per cm.

2.5 / 5 = 0.5

1 cm = 0.5 km